Northfield Caucus Starts Slating for Village Trustee and President Roles on August 1, 2024

Press ReleaseVillage of Northfield Elections April 2025

Northfield, Illinois (August 1, 2024) The Northfield Village Caucus announces that it will initiate its slating process for the election of
Village of Northfield trustees and president in the April 2025 elections. Beverly Smith, Chair of the Northfield Village Caucus,
announced today the commencement of the selection process. Residents of the Village of Northfield are invited to go to the Caucus
website ( or click here to view the application for prospective applicants.

In the April 2025 elections, Village of Northfield residents will vote for Village of Northfield trustees and president serving a term of
four years. Smith invites all Village of Northfield residents to work with the Northfield Village Caucus in identifying potential
candidates for these significant positions. Smith announced “The Caucus is seeking public minded and knowledgeable residents with
experience and skills needed to serve the residents of Northfield in preserving its unique character and shaping its future for the
next generations.”

Through a non-partisan process, the Caucus assembles input, perspectives and issues raised by Village of Northfield residents and
distills them into basic policy and goals in a Caucus Platform. The Platform serves as a guide for the selection of president and
trustee candidates who are compatible with and are in agreement with the tenets of the Platform. In October, the Caucus will
interview prospective candidates and vote on the slate of candidates to be put forward to residents for consideration in the

Village of Northfield residents interested in being considered for the positions of Village of Northfield trustee or president are invited
to complete the application and return it to the Caucus. The deadline for applications to be considered for slating by the Caucus is
October 7, 2024.

Click here to access and submit the online application

It is recommended to write responses in another application such as Word and then paste these into the online application. All questions are shown in the attached pdf below.
Click here to view questions in pdf format.

Please consider this opportunity to be slated as a candidate or to recommend to the Caucus a resident who would be a potentially
attractive candidate. If you are interested in Caucus membership, please contact us. We also welcome any cash contributions for
support of our communications through our website, mail, and surveys. You can get in touch with us by e-mail directly to Beverly
Smith at or by mail at P.O. Box 8034, Northfield, IL 60093.